Quick Start

See this repo for the full example

In this quick start script, we are going to demonstrate how to quickly compose addLiquidity and stake for Saber protocol in less than 50 lines of code.


Create new repo

$ mkdir my-composer
$ cd my-composer

Initialize npm package

$ npm init -y

Initialize Typescript

$ yarn global add typescript
$ tsc --init

Install dependencies

$ yarn add @project-serum/anchor@^0.24.2
$ yarn add @dappio-wonderland/navigator@^0.2.17
$ yarn add @dappio-wonderland/gateway@^0.2.20

Add a new Composer

Create a new file index.ts:

$ touch index.ts

Copy and paste the following code snippet to index.ts:

import * as anchor from "@project-serum/anchor";
import NodeWallet from "@project-serum/anchor/dist/cjs/nodewallet";
import { AddLiquidityParams, StakeParams, GatewayBuilder, SupportedProtocols } from "@dappio-wonderland/gateway";

// 1-1. Create a RPC connection
const connection = new anchor.web3.Connection("https://rpc-mainnet-fork.epochs.studio", {
  commitment: "confirmed",
  wsEndpoint: "wss://rpc-mainnet-fork.epochs.studio/ws",

// 1-2. Setup Anchor provider
const options = anchor.AnchorProvider.defaultOptions();
const wallet = NodeWallet.local();
const provider = new anchor.AnchorProvider(connection, wallet, options);

// 1-3. Setup Gateway
const gateway = new GatewayBuilder(provider);

const main = async () => {
  // 2-1. Config addLiquidity parameters
  const zapInAmount = 10000;
  const poolId = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
    "YAkoNb6HKmSxQN9L8hiBE5tPJRsniSSMzND1boHmZxe" // USDC-USDT

  const addLiquidityParams: AddLiquidityParams = {
    protocol: SupportedProtocols.Saber,
    tokenInAmount: zapInAmount,
    tokenMint: new anchor.web3.PublicKey("EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v"),

  // 2-2. Config stake parameters
  const farmId = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
    "Hs1X5YtXwZACueUtS9azZyXFDWVxAMLvm3tttubpK7ph" // USDC-USDT

  const stakeParams: StakeParams = {
    protocol: SupportedProtocols.Saber,

  // 2-3. Compose
  await gateway.addLiquidity(addLiquidityParams);
  await gateway.stake(stakeParams);

  // 3-1. Generate transactions
  await gateway.finalize();
  const txs = gateway.transactions();

  // 3-2. Send all transactions
  console.log("Txs are sent...");
  for (let tx of txs) {
    const sig = await provider.sendAndConfirm(tx, [], {
      skipPreflight: true,
      commitment: "confirmed",
    } as unknown as anchor.web3.ConfirmOptions);
  console.log("Txs are executed");


export {};

Run the Composer

$ ANCHOR_WALLET=~/.config/solana/gateway.json ts-node index.ts

TODO: Use airdrop TODO: Fix Jupiter issue on mf

Last updated