Technical Overview

We want developers to use DeFi elements as Lego blocks. Universal Rabbit Hole enables developers to utilize various DeFi elements, such as Pool, Farm, Vault, to compose more complex operations without handling enormous amount of client SDK and inconsistent interfaces.

Replace Different SDKs with One Universal Interface

Without URHWith URH

Protocols are NOT composable. Developers have to deal with new SDK when trying to integrate new protocol

Protocols are composable. Developers only have to learn the knowledge of Gateway client to start developing

TODO: Redraw diagram

Universal Rabbit Hole is a CaaS (Compasaility-as-a-Service) that standardizes inter-protocol interaction on Solana to unlock the potential of composability. It has an universal interface for various Solana DeFi elements (Pool / Farm / MoneyMarket / Vault / Leveraged Farm / ...) and serves as a common knowledge base that helps Solana community learn and improve.



Typescript Client

Navigator is a Typescript client for instantiating various of kinds of DeFi protocols. You can use it as a standalone dependency in your own project or together with Dappio Gateway.


Typescript Client

Gateway client is an off-chain component that helps composing instructions for supported protocols


On-chain program

On-chain program that receives and dispatches all the transactions, manages state, distributes fees


On-chain program

On-chain program that connects base program and Gateway program

While Navigator and Gateway Client are packaged into a npm module, Gateway Program and Adapter Programs are Solana programs deployed by Dappio (sometimes third-party) to be invoked to interact with Base programs

  • Universal Rabbit Hole consists of 4 modules.

    • 2 modules are exposed, 2 modules are invisible to developers

  • Navigator and Gateway are the developer interfaces

  • See quickstart example for more details

Anatomy of the Gateway and Adapters

Let's take a closer look on the write process of Universal Rabbit Hole.

We can separate these series of operations into 2 distinct sections: off-chain part and on-chain part.

Off-chain Part

  • User assembles actions by invoking action setter and providing proper parameters

  • Builder composes transactions

On-chain Part

  • User sends transactions directly to Gateway program

  • Gateway dispatches transactions to their corresponding adapters through CPI (cross-program invocation)

  • Adapter invokes Base program through another CPI

Last updated