Part 2: Implement Adapter Program


Adapters are essential for the URH. Ideally, it has to be implemented by the base program developer

  • What is harvest type?

    • In Genopets staking, the $GENE reward need to be locked up for a year before withdraw.

    • So havest here is a two-step process, first need to call claim_reward instruction to initiate a reward unlock.

    • Locked $GENE token reward can be withdraw as $sGENE token any time before it's unlocked.

    • To withdraw as sGENE need to call withdraw_as_sgene instruction.

    • After one year of lockup, call withdraw to claim the rewards.

  • What are wrappers?

    • Input Wrapper

#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct StakeInputWrapper {
    pub amount: u64,
    pub lock_for_months: u8,

The InputWrapper is for declaring the data struct of the input byte array.

The array can be any data that the instruction needed.

  • Main Logic

pub fn stake<'a, 'b, 'c, 'info>(
        ctx: Context<'a, 'b, 'c, 'info, Action<'info>>,
        input: Vec<u8>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        // Get Input
        let mut input_bytes = &input[..];
        let input_struct = StakeInputWrapper::deserialize(&mut input_bytes)?;

First is loading the input data passed from Gateway program.

  • Token Account And Balance

pub fn load_token_account_and_balance<'info>(
    remaining_accounts: &[AccountInfo<'info>],
    account_index: usize,
) -> TokenAccountAndBalance<'info> {
    let token_account_info = &remaining_accounts[account_index];
    let token_account = Account::<TokenAccount>::try_from(token_account_info).unwrap();
    let balance_before = token_account.amount.clone();
    return TokenAccountAndBalance {
        token_accout: token_account,
        balance_before: balance_before,

pub struct TokenAccountAndBalance<'info> {
    token_accout: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,
    balance_before: u64,

impl<'info> TokenAccountAndBalance<'info> {
    pub fn get_balance_change(&mut self) -> u64 {
        let balance_before = self.balance_before;
        let balance_after = self.token_accout.amount;
        if balance_after > balance_before {
        } else if balance_after == balance_before {
        } else {

This TokenAccountAndBalance struct is to track token accounts and balance change. This is for tracking how much token is increased or decreased.

  • Loading remaining accounts

pub fn load_remaining_accounts<'info>(
    remaining_accounts: &[AccountInfo<'info>],
    index_array: Vec<usize>,
) -> Vec<AccountMeta> {
    let mut accounts: Vec<AccountMeta> = vec![];
    for index in index_array.iter() {
        if remaining_accounts[*index].is_writable {
        } else {
    return accounts;

This function is to load the remaining_accounts into a Vec<AccountMeta> The index_array is a array of index for looking up the remaining_accounts to build the account meta.

  • Output Wrapper

#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct StakeOutputWrapper {
    pub token_in_amount: u64,
    pub dummy_2: u64,
    pub dummy_3: u64,
    pub dummy_4: u64,

The OutputWrapper is for wrapping up the result after the CPI call. The Gataway program takes 32 byte long return data, dummy here is for adding 0 in the ends to fill the rest.

  • Main Logic


    let mut stake_data = sighash("global", "stake").to_vec();
    stake_data.append(&mut input_struct.amount.to_le_bytes().to_vec());
    stake_data.append(&mut input_struct.lock_for_months.to_le_bytes().to_vec());
    stake_data.push(0); // default False cuz it's deprecated

    let stake_accounts = load_remaining_accounts(
        vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],

    let mut stake_token_account_and_balance =
        load_token_account_and_balance(ctx.remaining_accounts, 5); // Save the token balance before the invocation

    let stake_ix = Instruction {
        program_id: ctx.accounts.base_program_id.key(),
        accounts: stake_accounts,
        data: stake_data,
    invoke(&stake_ix, ctx.remaining_accounts)?;

    // Wrap Output
    let output_struct = StakeOutputWrapper {
        token_in_amount: stake_token_account_and_balance.get_balance_change(),
    let mut output: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
    output_struct.serialize(&mut output).unwrap();

    // Return Result

    msg!("Output: {:?}", output_struct);

After loading the inputs, is to build the instruction data and accounts for CPI call.

After calling the base program using invoke, the output is serialized and returned to Gateway program.

  • Output Tuple

pub type StakeOutputTuple = (u64, u64, u64, u64);

impl From<StakeOutputWrapper> for StakeOutputTuple {
    fn from(result: StakeOutputWrapper) -> StakeOutputTuple {
        let StakeOutputWrapper {
        } = result;
        (token_in_amount, dummy_2, dummy_3, dummy_4)

The OutputTuple is for formatting the data to a tuple. It's only use inside Gateway program.

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