
One of the challenges people often talk about when it comes to Solana is its composability. While some programs are open source, majority aren't, making it almost impossible to build projects on Solana with mass adoption potential. Interacting with DeFi or NFTs on Solana shouldn't be hard, which is why Dappio created the Universal Rabbit Hole.

Dappio is dedicated to making Solana easy and bringing top developers into the Solana ecosystem. Our Universal Rabbit Hole provides developers with a plug-and-play framework "gateway" for a basket of Dapps. Versatile enough to accommodate Farm, Vault, money market, and other DeFi needs, Universal Rabbit Hole empowers users to build their ideal projects on Solana.

What Problems Do We Solve?


Protocol Developers

Try to find out how to acquire more TVL and exposure in efficient way

Universal Rabbit Hole provides integration framework for Protocols to build composable service Adapter.

Dappio aggregate more users to increase TVL through Dappio DeFi Platform.

DApp Developers

Limited open source from Protocol on Solana; Inefficient to read different types of SDK to build

Universal Rabbit Hole saves time spent reading/trying those protocol SDKs individually.

Easier to build a Zap-in Function(Swap on Jupiter, Add LP on Saber, Staked on Farm pool) and create Auto-compounding vaults on Tulip or Francium

End Users

Limited DeFi choice on Solana

More DeFi innovation protocols available, with better user experience on Solana ecosystem

More Protocols on Solana can build on top of Dappio to create the best yields and model for users to choose and earn ideal returns

Universal Interface for All Protocols

Universal Rabbit Hole functions as an interface between service providers and all on-chain protocol providers. It makes the complexity of dealing with different protocols manageable, which allows service providers to focus on their DeFi application model. To Simply put, with Universal Rabbit Hole handling protocol integration, teams can allow user experiences front-and-center.

Dappio has already integrated several major protocols on Solana, including Farm/Money Market/Leverage/Swap/Vaults and more. Instead of diving into those protocols' SDKs individually, developers can save an immense amount of time by using Universal Rabbit Hole.

Every SDK is different. Figuring out and interacting with each one takes time. If your project involves multiple SDKs, all of that time can start to add up. With just a few lines of code, Universal Rabbit Hole dramatically reduces development complexity.

Composability as a Service (CaaS)

Universal Rabbit Hole makes DeFi / NFT programs "composable" on Solana, which allows anyone in the network to take existing programs and adapt or build on top of them. This means that developers on Solana can easily put their own projects together without having to build everything from scratch.

Universal Rabbit Hole unlocks previously unimaginable DeFi / NFT use-cases thanks to the power of composability. In other words, Universal Rabbit Hole provides convenience for the developers building on DeFi protocols, as well as accelerates DeFi innovation throughout the whole Solana ecosystem. You can easily utilize various DeFi protocols like Lego pieces in Universal Rabbit Hole. Imagine a developer leveraging Universal Rabbit Hole to connect Radyium Swap + Saber LP + Tulip Vaults, creating an innovative DeFi product on these services. Projects like this naturally lead to more DeFi choice and better user experiences in the Solana ecosystem.

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